Pipsa Suominen on the spotlight
14 July 2009
In the beginning of the film we're at the countryside.Mrs. Maaheimo is a war widow, and her only cow has died.Olli and Pipsa start collecting some money for her to buy her a new cow from the auction.In the city the kids plan a play, and Pipsa becomes really interested in acting.Orvo Saarikivi's Suomisen taiteilijat (1943) is the third film of the series.Lasse Pöysti and Maire Suvanto are once again great as the kids.We can also see Markus-setä, or Markus Rautio in the movie.The moments at the auction are quite funny, when the grandpa comes there to help the kids with the cow business.And at the end, when Väinö locks all those people inside the bomb shelter.This isn't the best one from the series, but still a very entertaining picture.
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