I just watched this movie and i felt i had to warn potential watchers : This is by no means a good movie.
You may have been lured into seeing it because of Audrey Tautou of Amelie's fame.
To put it simple : the scenario is so simple it could have fitted on a post it note. It's about a whimsy girl who tries to get in touch with her spirituality.
So she goes from one boyfriend to the other, and each time embraces the religion of his. There are huge problem with the whole plot : we don't know how everything started. There is a tiny little clue about her father being absent, but aside from that, there is no indication of her psychology, her childhood, her past experience of the main character. Nothing. Plus, to be honest she is quite despicable. She is just a spoiled little girl with too much time. At some point she tries to embrace Judaism, and it's the only time the movie conveys any interesting idea. The rest is as shallow and meaningless as the character portrayed by Audrey Tautou. Her male counterpart, a somewhat nihilist but well educated man, portrayed by Edouard Baer really fits in his role, alas the way he tries to seduce again and again a girl which he has rejected twice is simply not believable. How he could be interested by a person which apparently has no brain and exists only through other people's beliefs is beyond our comprehension.
We can even sense some possible twists that could occur during certain scenes, but the director is in this case less smart than the viewers : she just misses completely what could have made an interesting movie. Nothing of what french cinema is famous for. Everything that happens here mirrors the ten first minutes. After those ten minutes, the plot will simply not progress in spite of the various shallow characters thrown our way.
So what can be said about a movie that brings nothing vaguely looking like character development, that conveys absolutely no message, that is not funny at all (ok, maybe i smiled twice), and portrays a girl with cuteness as her only selling point, to sum it all ? I'd say it's a waste of time, plain and simple. I encourage you to stay away from this movie, and rather stay on the good impression you had when viewing Amélie. Don't buy it, don't rent it : just don't.
You may have been lured into seeing it because of Audrey Tautou of Amelie's fame.
To put it simple : the scenario is so simple it could have fitted on a post it note. It's about a whimsy girl who tries to get in touch with her spirituality.
So she goes from one boyfriend to the other, and each time embraces the religion of his. There are huge problem with the whole plot : we don't know how everything started. There is a tiny little clue about her father being absent, but aside from that, there is no indication of her psychology, her childhood, her past experience of the main character. Nothing. Plus, to be honest she is quite despicable. She is just a spoiled little girl with too much time. At some point she tries to embrace Judaism, and it's the only time the movie conveys any interesting idea. The rest is as shallow and meaningless as the character portrayed by Audrey Tautou. Her male counterpart, a somewhat nihilist but well educated man, portrayed by Edouard Baer really fits in his role, alas the way he tries to seduce again and again a girl which he has rejected twice is simply not believable. How he could be interested by a person which apparently has no brain and exists only through other people's beliefs is beyond our comprehension.
We can even sense some possible twists that could occur during certain scenes, but the director is in this case less smart than the viewers : she just misses completely what could have made an interesting movie. Nothing of what french cinema is famous for. Everything that happens here mirrors the ten first minutes. After those ten minutes, the plot will simply not progress in spite of the various shallow characters thrown our way.
So what can be said about a movie that brings nothing vaguely looking like character development, that conveys absolutely no message, that is not funny at all (ok, maybe i smiled twice), and portrays a girl with cuteness as her only selling point, to sum it all ? I'd say it's a waste of time, plain and simple. I encourage you to stay away from this movie, and rather stay on the good impression you had when viewing Amélie. Don't buy it, don't rent it : just don't.