Wasn't Sure At First, But Became Pretty Awesome
25 October 2009
Overcoming a fit of depression and suicidal tendencies, a young man joins his sister and her friends on a camping trip. In the midst of this, they stumble on a statue that releases the spirit of a German doppelganger. Now, the spirit won't rest until everyone involved is dead.

This film had a lot of good and a lot of bad going for it. Ultimately, if I had to lean one way or the other, I'd say the film is more good than bad, if no other reason than that this is an independent venture and I have to accept that certain professional amenities may not have been available.

There's some camera work I found really annoying (the blurry vision), a main character who is only semi-likable (the suicidal brother is the only really enjoyable role), and a really bad special effect involving a gunshot to the head. Other effects, such as a car accident, are much better. Also, why there's a spirit in a statue that wants to copy and kill people wasn't explained as much as I would have liked (or how a doctor that is scientific keeps business cards from an "old colleague" on hand, and seems to know how to hypnotize people).

My biggest problem with the film was the "twist" ending, which I cannot discuss here. But it was poorly written and someone, anyone, should have stepped in and changed it before filming began.

That sounds like a lot of complaints, but here's the good news: the people involved are all talented, and I think a second feature will prove this. The acting was top-notch from everyone, the directing was fine (though that blurry cinematography can go). And the writing... aside from the ending, I think this was a very interesting story, and I would have loved to see it fleshed out more. It was so refreshing to see a story that wasn't ripping off the last twenty years of horror left and right.

Give "No Time to Fear" a shot if you want to support independent horror thrillers. This was a nice movie, and even better if you have a nice, tall glass of Malibu rum while watching it.
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