Review of Saw VI

Saw VI (2009)
Merely an exercise in torture porn
25 October 2009
I'm quite dubious of some of the very enthusiastic 10/10 reviews this title has received? Something is not quite right there. I've seen the rest of the franchise - Saw I was excellent, goes without saying, a very clever and enjoyable scary movie with something to say about society. The rest in the sequence paled with varying degrees, but this - Saw VI - is quite horrendous for all the wrong reasons. It plays out like a soap opera - multiple ridiculous and convenient story threads, wooden acting, lingering reaction close ups, lazy art direction, poor lighting, never ending catch-up montage. But the biggest horror movie sin committed was that it started at the gore and worked backwards. As we all know, the idea of 'Saw' is that the torture the victims endured was inspired by the wrongs they had done to themselves and others, and the consequences were somehow just rewards, with the audience left to ponder a moral dilemma. That's now gone. We are left with - How can we kill off as many characters as possible, make it as gross as possible, then make the story fit around it? I suppose for some that wouldn't be too bad of a movie, but even the gore is a bit below par, and the setups are a bit ridiculous. In my opinion, this franchise has (unsurprisingly) become a lazy, silly, money-spinner with very little to offer. I would only recommend seeing this if you have seen the rest and want to see what happens, but perhaps wait until it's out to rent before wasting too much of your cash on it.
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