As a fan of the giant monster/robot genre, I was amazed when I saw this on YouTube! After only a month, this 5 minute short had nearly 5 million hits! This little film gives us aspiring film writers and directors something to shoot for. Federico Alvarez has set the bar high for spectacular final product on a shoe string budget. If you haven't seen need to.
Rumor has it that he just recently signed a 30 million dollar deal with Sam Raimi's production company to make this thing into a full length movie. Hope to see this happen! I recommend the short "Negadon: The Monster from Mars" if you enjoyed "Panic Attack!
Rumor has it that he just recently signed a 30 million dollar deal with Sam Raimi's production company to make this thing into a full length movie. Hope to see this happen! I recommend the short "Negadon: The Monster from Mars" if you enjoyed "Panic Attack!