Bridge To Hell
7 January 2010
Bridge to Hell (1986)

** (out of 4)

Italian WWII film has three Allied POWs trying to make it across Yugoslavia to safe lines in Italy but along their journey they learn about a treasure being hid from Nazis so they decide to steal it themselves. The story is rather weak and director Lenzi seems to forget what the actual story is at times because the movie is constantly going off in different directions and we get scenes that don't appear to have anything to do with the actual story. Just take a look at one sequence where a bunch of guard dogs show up for no apparent reason unless that said reason ended up on the cutting room floor. The film was obviously done on a very cheap budget as there's very little here that would make you think that you were actually watching a war movie. We do get a couple big battle scenes with a lot of explosions and gun fire but it all looks rather cheap. We also get the mandatory plane crash, quick edit of pilots jumping out and then quick edit of an explosion. The entire movie is pretty much built around stealing this treasure but this too never really gets resolved and by the time the end credits start you wonder if you're missing something or if the production simply ran out of money. Lenzi had pr oven himself to be a good director but he doesn't really do much here as we get no style, no clear story being told and worse of all is that there are many times when the movie just drags along. None of the lead actors are all that good and it doesn't help that the dubbing is rather bad.
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