Plainly awful. I did not finish watching it. The editing is so bad, and in addition there are titles all throughout the movie showing us who's name is what. Good move in a sense, because it is near impossible to follow the story, or a story, as far there is one. But I forgot all of their names anyway because there was no reason for me, or a chance given me by the director, to remember them. The camera is shaky, the acting is keeping you aware that these are actually actors and all is staged. The rape scenes are brutal and haunting - but how hard is to do a rape scene to shock viewers? I read somewhere in the trivia that the whole flick was shot in 5 days on a minimal budget. No kidding! There is "low-budge" written all over it and it is sheer disrespect for the audience. The movie makers of this one should not quit their day jobs.