If anyone is looking to experience what a spiritual film should feel in terms of shaking awareness, look no further than Do Elephants Pray? The inner voyage begins literally from the very first frame, taking us into a realm that will leave an unforgettable trace. Following the struggle of the main character to decipher his doubts engages into that intensely human search faced with a crisis that needs to be confronted 'with the forehead against the night'. At certain parts, when the images and sounds lure us deeper into the forest, a Buddhist thought comes to mind regarding that sensation that 'at the deepest recesses of the forest, the mystery is still there'. All along the film, the camera performs extremely subtle moves that mysteriously shift the focus of awareness. To experience higher realms of consciousness is not easy matter, even if the event of projecting light through darkness is a perfect environment for it. But XXI century spectators rarely have their well-deserved chance. This film invites the audience with open arms to take the jump and go high. Don't avoid it because it will surely touch some strings, and even if it doesn't, at least you will be able to say that you have been moved by the most amazing psychotropic trip ever filmed. Never before a cinematic pill has gone so far into that land of the beyond and back! Check it out without risking disappointment! After all, it takes courage to change