Review of Eat

Eat (2001)
A Few Good Moments
3 June 2010
Eat (2001)

** (out of 4)

Good tastes has never been mentioned in a Plympton film and that continues with this weird one. The action takes place inside an Italian restaurant where various people show up to eat. I can't say I enjoyed this short because I simply didn't laugh enough but even though the laughs were short I must admit that the entire film is so strange and surreal that it's hard not to recommend it on some levels. The people that show up in the restaurant range from a lonely man who pretends his pasta is a woman, kids fighting and we even get a vomit scene that will have many hitting the stop button on their remotes. Again, I didn't find anything here funny but at the same time there's such a strange atmosphere that you can't help but be somewhat entertained by what you're seeing. There's a certain darkness to the movie that makes it rather original even if you can't enjoy what jokes are here.
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