"Shrek Ever After" ends the franchise with some dignity.
10 June 2010
I really enjoyed the first "Shrek" film back in 2001 and was an even bigger fan of "Shrek 2," which came out just three short years later. Then "Shrek the Third" hit theaters and I couldn't believe what I was watching. Not only did the third film have a horrible story but the charm and wit of all the original characters was gone. I was actually angry that I paid money to see the third film and really didn't want anything to do with the "Shrek" franchise any longer. To my surprise even after hearing nothing but complaints about the third one, the final chapter of the Shrek saga was still being made. When I saw the trailer for "Shrek Ever After" I was less than impressed probably because I was still angry about the last film. Regardless of how I felt as well as many over movie lovers, "Shrek Ever After" was released into theaters just three weeks ago and received average reviews. This past weekend, I decided to go see the film with my girlfriend just to see how the final chapter ends...

"Shrek Ever After" picks up right where "Shrek the Third" left off. Shrek and Fiona are now married with kids. They are the most respected and sought after family of Far Far Away and everyone in town loves them. One day after going through what seems to be a midlife crisis, Shrek becomes flustered and flips out at his kids birthday party. He makes a deal with Rumpelstiltskin to give him one day of his life in order for him to feel what it is like to be free again without having kids, a wife, and of course being respected instead of feared. This is where the plot thickens as Rumpelstiltskin tricks Shrek into signing the contract that states he has never been born. The only way to break this contract is to make Fiona, who has no clue who Shrek is, fall in love with him all over again.

As soon as the credits began to roll, my first response was that wasn't too bad. Given the fact that "Shrek the Third" was a slap in the face to the Shrek franchise, I was somewhat impressed with the final entry. I wouldn't say I was blown away with it but it was like a masterpiece compared to the third film. The character Rumpelstiltskin was actually a fun character and I liked his personality. That was one of the main things that really made the film work especially since Prince Charming in the last film was such a boring and uninteresting character. I also thought the whole reliving the earlier chapters of Shrek's life worked well and I liked what they did with Fiona in this film. They made her a much tougher character. Then of course last but not least Puss in Boots, who is the best character in all the films.

Even though I enjoyed this film, I have to admit I am glad this was the final chapter because I can't see this franchise surviving another film. While the storyline about the midlife crisis and appreciating what you have was good especially for this type of film, it just seemed like the writers were pushing it a bit. I don't know exactly why it seemed that way but I guess its just that most of it seemed like more of the same. The charm was there unlike in the third but it wasn't as potent as it was in the original two films. That's probably my main complaint about the film, this felt like a movie that was just made as a good bye to the franchise. It wasn't truly necessary but almost served as an apology for the 3rd film. I loved how they never even addressed the main character from the 3rd film. It was like he never existed, which I have to admit was pretty funny.

In the end, I can't really say anything too harsh about the film. I think kids will like it although it is a bit more dark and depressing than the other chapters. I would say out of all of the films, this one is geared more towards adults than anyone else. The movie was also deeper than all the other entries. It was a decent final film and I applaud the writers and director for trying to redeem the franchise. I wouldn't say its a must own but for those who enjoy these characters and enjoy Shrek as a whole, I recommend seeing the final chapter at least once. Sure its no where near as unique or fun as the original two but if you want to pretend the third film never happened this one would be a good filler for that. It's not on a Pixar level as far as quality goes but in terms of a decent animated flick at the box office, "Shrek Ever After" is a good choice.

MovieManMenzel's final rating for "Shrek Ever After" is a 7 out of 10. Take the kids, the family or who ever else likes the franchise and just enjoy the simple yet fun final chapter.
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