I love Indian movies, Bollywood, parallel cinema, and regional. It takes a lot for me to give only one star. Jolly Maker (Cyrus Broacha) trips and stumbles his way through life, leaving a trail of chaos and wreckage in his wake of which he is only barely aware. He is so clueless that he can have an entire conversation with a person who is bound and gagged and not have it cross his mind that they might want help. This is mildly funny for about 15 minutes, and after that gets irritating. The villains of the piece are wacky and never remotely believable. They are reminiscent of villains from the Batman TV show. Probably this is meant as a spoof of all bad silly kidnapping/evil villain shows, but I did not find myself able to read it as something that was "so bad it's good." Instead, it was merely so bad it was bad. Really really bad.