This movie lacks all the proper elements that make a good gangster movie. In fact I can say that this movie is proof of the fact that violence alone doesn't make a good movie. There are too many scenes that are just too much that story wise easily could have been avoided. One scene with Naomi Taylor did give some motive of her actions following the crime she is subjected to. Only I could not shake the feeling that almost everything in the movie was illogical and unrealistic. "Rolling with the nines" is a beautifully choreographed mess. With no real main character it is very difficult to invoke sympathy for any lead. The movies goes from one event to another,from one character to another and it never gets clear who we are supposed to follow. Maybe it was me but I couldn't sense any good in any of the characters. Almost all of them did repulsive questionable things. There is one action scene that stands out and is one of the highlights of the movie. The other good thing was the very brief appearance of Billy Murray. Other than that I would suggest to ignore this movie since it is one of the worst gangster movies ever made!
Review of Rollin' with the Nines
Rollin' with the Nines
This will turn your stomach for all the wrong reasons!
16 February 2010