Obscure and confusing yet beautiful aesthetics.
23 March 2010
I watched it on television in one of these bizarre named channels that often spread some garbage movies.

I first was surprised because of the Wesley Snipes appearance in these kind of movie. He normally plays main characters in some mediocre action movies like Blade, making me doubt of his skills as an actor. But in this one he is different: the only action move he made was a single ''kick?'' (a little confusing battle) to some robbers who deserved some more kicks, if we don't count the sex scenes as action scenes of course. It's interesting how he can express feelings like embarrassment, intense love although he keeps his tough-guy style like in the scene where he talks about television with his friends. Natassja Kinski assumed very good the Karen character form by playing a saddened and hurt Karen after being attacked by the robbers. Great acting by the way in the two meetings of the couples in New York, I already smelted that something odd was going to happen.

I didn't noticed any plot holes but finally we don't know nearly anything about the characters. The whole film was centered into that ''One Night Stand'', we don't know anything about Max and Mimi's children, about Max past (we know that he likes to smoke joints with his friend Charlie), about Vernon, nothing. It was just a funny succession of consequences that happened after only one night.

Some details of the film where very strange though, seeming senseless if I may say. Why the sex scene between Max and Mimi is so long? Was the pot smoking habitude of Max placed there only to fit with the dog smelling Max's pants scene? Why did they made a scene in which Max and his friends talked about television? It's like Kafka does with his novels, writing stories without a reasonable plot just for the art of writing. This movie is made only for the art of movie-making, nothing else.

Each scene isn't connected to the other by the common way, it's like each and every one of them are separated by days or maybe years. There's always a dark halo surrounding every moment of the film, especially every time Max meets Karen at the parking, the hotel room, the hospital and at the final party.

It's a good film despite what others may say, just watch it.
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