Review of Raindogs

Raindogs (2004)
Cult Director
25 December 2010
I am fond of Robbie Moffat movies and have by now collected four of them. I will keep on buying them as they turn up (I don't go looking for them - they aren't THAT good). Perhaps it is because I have a background in theatre and thus like weirdness, perhaps I'm just demented, but I really like his films. Noen of it is GREAT. The actors are shite, the plots are shite, the production is shite, and what the characters say and do often makes no sense compared to a real world of "realism". Yet the finished result carries its own "punch" at some undefinable level. I'm pretty certain that these films will be hailed as "classics" in 20-30 years -- similar to how for instance Mario Bava, Lucio Fulci and Tinto Brass are embraced today (but not when their work was new).

Raindogs is a comedy. Noen of it's supposed to reflect reality such as we know it from Hollywood. It's nihilistic and dark at times, ludicrous at others. Needless to say, none of this would have happened in reality -- but then again so wouldn't most of the other crap that's filmed, included - but not limited to - the hip and clever stories of Guy Richie (who is my other favourite British filmmaker).
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