Bicycle Bride (2010)
Bicycle Bride is much more than a romantic comedy...
7 February 2011
Bicycle Bride is an independent film full of life, love and laughter. The story takes place in scenic San Francisco where Beena, an Indian-American girl (played by Melanie Kannokada) falls for James Dean (Andreas Wilson), a Swedish man. Although Beena and James deeply care for one another, Beena's family has other plans for her. Beena's mother has arranged for her to marry an Indian man named Bubba. The conflict between Indian tradition and western feminism sets the table for this riotous comedic gem.

However, Bicycle Bride is much more than a romantic comedy - it is also a social commentary about gender roles in the Indian culture and the tradition of arranged marriage.

So go see Bicycle Bride! It will make you smile, it will make you laugh and it might even make you think!
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