Already Dead (2007)
Painful movie with many questions unanswered
3 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was one movie that was painful to watch. There are some fantastic actors in this movie - such as Christopher Plummer - who probably regret ever appearing in it.

The movie involves a young father who loses a young son through a brutal home invasion. The police - through budget cuts - drop the case. The father finds it hard to cope and after an altercation at the Police station - is referred to a Physchiatrist who is often used by the police. The main character finds little comfort from the shrink and is later referred to - by his shrink - to use a secret organisation - a gang of vigilantes to hunt down and kill his son's murder. Suddenly we flash forward and find the young father in a room with his son's killer and a table full of torture weapons. After inflicting a huge amount of pain - the father realises that "this is not the guy". Trying to make amends, the father tries to escape with his new pal.

Spoiler alert - we soon find out that the main leaders of the secret organisation is the shrink and the main detective on his son's murder. Seems they just did it to make some money and get rid of somebody on their 'bad' list.

Now this is my problem, if they wanted to get rid of this guy so bad - why didn't they just kill him off from the word go. And how could this secret organisation - who managed to catch such a super bad ass in the first place, suddenly become the world's worst shots and allow the father and his new 'pal' such an easy escape.

The story is so damn predictable. Do yourself a favour - do not watch
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