RENT, BUY or STEAL. you must see it (pat)
3 March 2011
In the years after September 11 2001 the world, its peoples its institutions its joys its arts, went into meltdown. unable to to see a clear future,people governments artist & film makers alike fumbled in the ash cloud of broken dreams and shattered ideologies, in the attempt of re-councling the shards of faith and hope and humanity, still left on this lonely planet. Few films clam as much responsibility for assembling so many parts of our broken society as this.

happily ever afters is story of many parts.some are sharp and painful to touch (or even to look at) some more, colourful and hilarious. what this film (or piece of art) is, is a gathering of these seemingly ill-fitting and disparate pieces and a transformation of them into a cathedral window. A beautiful whole, made from broken shards,fitted together with the honesty of the artist lead.

It is no coincidence that this film debuted in the same year that Barack Hussein Obama became the 44th President of the United States of American having run his campaign under the banner of 'hope'.the world was ready for change and the time for change is felt by true leaders and artist. like Barack Obama this film may not heal our tired and battered souls and shelter us from the hard rain but it sure as heaven can gives us hope!

PS:it should have got an Oscar, and i don't think it was even nominated.

peace and love
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