An execution film with good amount of drama and humour
15 September 2010
AKA 'The Executioner'

I saw this film for the first time last night, after seeing the trailer I knew I'd enjoy this film and I did.

The film is based almost totally in a prison where 3 of the inmates are set to be hung for their various crimes and concentrates mainly on 3 of the guards and 2 of the 3 set to be executed.

As with many Korean films there is just the right balance between drama and humour.

It's just over 90 minutes long and to me it felt longer (but in a very good way), indeed I wish it were a little longer.

Good strong characters, a well paced film, good solid acting, but if you're looking for action then skip this, as this is more a study of people in difficult situations, basically the executors (all except 1 of which have never before executed anybody before), and the prisoners that are set to be executed.

I found the film both fascinating and engrossing, recommended!!!
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