Adventures of Bailey: The lost Puppy
22 October 2010
Adventures of Bailey: The lost Puppy ..... It is a must see for any "Golden Retriever" / "dog" lover. An adventure everyone can enjoy, especially children who have a fondness for our fury friends! The captivating shots through out the movie were just stunning. Even the theme music went well with each scene. I heard about this movie thru a family I know, whom I got my "Golden" from, and I have to say, it has been the most fun, loving, best friend, and companion I will ever have. Congrats are in order, and thank you John for sharing your beautiful Goldens. The movie was very well done, and the characters were fun. I have one of Bailey's cousins, and it made the movie a special one. To all the voices, characters, behind the scenes, great job! Will Bailey have anymore adventures?
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