Review of Saw 3D

Saw 3D (2010)
What you've wanted
29 October 2010
It's what you expect. There is no shock factor. Die hard fans that know every little thing about the movie will see this ending coming. I think they should have taken more time to plan out the games and come up with a larger shock. It seemed forced but maybe my expectations were too high for what the final project should have been in my mind. The 3D factor was fun but it seemed that the movie was revolving around the 3D concept more than the story line. Finally it was way too short, it felt like they were already dragging out what they did have. I believe the writers were just in a hurry to tie up all the loose ends, but then again, many liked the "Final Chapter". I Love "Saw" and I always will but by far, this is the worst one.
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