Dragon Ball (1986–1989)
Dragonball matches up quite well with Z.
5 November 2010
I do not know if my tastes have changed over the years, but once I used to say by far the best incarnation of Dragonball was Z. However, upon watching this entire series on DVD uncut I now have to say that this one is equal or maybe a notch or two above Z. Though I can still say quite easily that GT is the worst of the bunch as while this one needed a continuation, Z did not. This one follows the young boy Goku as it chronicles his friendships and adventures while finding the mythical dragonballs that number seven and when gathered together summon the dragon, Shenron to grant one wish. The show started out as more of a comedy, a comedy with at times quite perverted humor in it. As the show progressed though it would more and more rely on action to the point that near the end of the show it closely resembled Z, most of the pervert nature of the show would be gone near the end. Why? I have no idea, but it would make a reappearance here and there near the end, but nothing like it was in the beginning. In fact, Z and GT would see virtually no humor of this type with the exception of Master Roshii. This show is sort of made up of three adventures involving the dragonballs. After each of these adventures there was a world martial arts tournament story. The first adventure involves a plucky teen named Bulma finding Goku and the two end up going on an adventure to find the dragonballs. They meet Yamcha here as well as Oolong and Puar. They also meet the nefarious Emperor Pilaf who has to be the funniest villain in the dragonball universe. This story would become Goku training under Master Roshii and meeting Krillan during the world martial arts phase. Then the Red Ribbon Army would be next as would be the meeting of Goku and Tien. Finally, Goku would have to face off against the evil King Piccolo in both the adventure and the tournament. Then for some reason the show keeps going on about five more episodes than it really needed to. Still, this one was fun and the fighting would become really cool near the end.
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