Review of Hush

Hush (V) (2008)
Decent, but not spectacular.
3 September 2011
"Only you saw it. Only you can save them" the tagline reads. This is more or less the theme of this British thriller. Zakes Abbot (William Ash) spots something rather disturbing on the road, a woman caged in the back of a van, and has a dilemma of whether to follow and help or shrug it off as someone else's problem. After a small effort of calling the police and attempting (and failing) to read the dirty number plate, Zakes chooses the latter. That is until his girlfriend goes missing and he realises he has a more personal stake in pursuing the captor.

What follows is a fairly straight-forward cat & mouse chase as Zakes tails and evades the villain simultaneously, bringing to mind the 2003 French thriller High Tension (AKA Switchblade Romance) which as you might expect with that title is essentially one long suspense sequence. The tension in Hush doesn't quite allow it such a cocky title as the French film, but it is a good attempt nonetheless and it provides a few "No don't go there!" or "He's behind you!" moments. The film does however contain almost all the horror clichés, and although it tries to subvert one or two, this is nothing new and horror fans will see everything a mile off. As far as the plot goes, it would have been acceptable as a simple chase-thriller if it weren't for one scene (involving the security guards) which just seemed unnecessary and too contrived even for this already improbable story. Still, at 90mins it's an easy, enjoyable thriller that's worth a watch.
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