I love this show. Will Arnett and Christina Applegate are hilarious as new parents adjusting to life after the 20-something party years. Will plays a stay at home Dad trying to stay sane while his wife becomes the primary breadwinner as a television executive for a talk show on the down slide, Ava. Ava (played by Maya Rudolph) is the shows one weakness. While Maya Rudolph is a fabulous actress, Ava is a one note character that makes the show somewhat awkward. This show is really unique. There have been tons of shows about families with lots of kids and parents that have been together for ages and there are lots of shows about young love, but what happens in between? This take on the family sit-com reaches to capture a younger audience, but is still likely to trigger memories in the 40+ demographic category. Check it out on hulu. I can't wait to see what's next.