Carter Country (1977–1979)
An Above Average, Lightweight Comedy
8 April 2011
I remember this show well from the late 1970's. It was a fairly lightweight sitcom, but as I recall, it was above average in both the quality of acting and writing. The interaction between Richard Paul as the Mayor and the great Victor French was the highlight of the series. Unfortunately, as President Carter's popularity started to wane by 1978, so did viewers' interest in this show and it ended after 2 seasons. Vernee Watson and Keene Holliday were believable as love interests and Guick Kook was also good for comic relief. The late 1970's was a period when ABC television specialized in "jiggle shows" like Charlie's Angels and Three's Company, among others, but "Carter Country" is good family fare without a jiggle in sight. If it comes up on TV Land, its worth watching, if for no reason other than nostalgia.
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