After the success of Betaab and flop Sunny, Deol moves on to his next romantic flick which is not that different from Sunny. This movie Manzil Manzil, was sadly a flop because it wasn't supposed to be one. The movie is made well, the romantic scenes are overdone with too much emotions which is OK but gets annoying at times. However, the part where Dimple losses her memory is badly shown and the action part of the movie is clichéd. Honestly, no Sunny Deol action movie before Arjun(1985) did good and was clichéd. Offcourse Betaab has its moments but it was also clichéd. The story itself has plot holes all over but still is well handled by veteran director Nasir Hussian. However, the overdue of songs,romance, sorrow, and bits of comedy was badly shown. But, this movie is from the early 80's so its OK. However, the movie can definitely do better. Amongst Actors, Deol repeats his good act from Sunny, Dimple in one of her first movies proves she can act, Prem Chopra is good, supporting cast is OK. Music is average, too many songs. The idea of adding action and suspense wasn't a good idea but it's okay. Overall, another decent movie but sadly it flopped.