A Smile as Big as the Moon (2012 TV Movie)
As a Special Education Student I.......
13 February 2012
Hi All, My Name is Chelsea Monroe, I am 23 years old, When I was born all those years ago, my parents were soo happy to be having a little baby girl, but when I couldn't talk, when I should have;they thought it was very abnormal. When I was four I started to talk and even then I was put into Speech Therapy Classes.

My School Years were very hard with a Reading, Writing, Math Disabilities. I remember having my shoes tied together and many others picking on me. I also remember hearing some teachers telling my parents that "If I graduate High School it would be a Miracle".

Even to this day its still a struggle to over come my disabilities but I push through and have graduated from High School, taken a few years of College before I left Michigan to live and work at Disney World here in Orlando, FL as a Photographer. When people meet me they might brush me off as weird, but when they get to know me and find out I had went through this they are very surprised that I overcame a Disability, even that I had one.

Why I thought this movie was great was because its a movie about Special Education that is meaningful and shows that Smiles are as big as the moon and you can do anything you set your mind too......just look at me :) -Chelsea
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