A fine game it is
28 March 2012
While we have new ingredients (= actors/characters) such as the girl formerly having a tattoo and a new bad guy, we also still have our beloved Holmes/Watson duo. And by that I mean the same actors in the role. Jude Law and especially Robert Downey Jr. having a lot of fun again and it shows.

Some other characters return and we have the "vision" mode in the movie again (at least that's what I call it and I'm sure you know what I mean if you've seen the first guy Ritchie Holmes). Making the Holmes movies is not easy. There is not only a rich written history but also quite a few movies. I have to admit that I wasn't thinking of either. Ritchie managed to create a world (especially with the first entry into his Holmes saga), that can be seen as standalone.

So if you liked the first one, you will like this one too. Even if you think you might be fed up by some of the neat tricks he's using or even if you expected Rachel McAdams to be back "big" in this movie too.
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