Very cheap and pretty poor 80's action film
31 October 2011
I don't think movies get any more artless than Operation Hit Squad. It's an ultra cheap action-adventure film set in Africa. A couple of rich women get captured by a group of terrorists and a crack team of mercenaries called Operation Hit Squad are called in to rescue them. Every production value is bargain basement except for stunts and explosions. The latter two are pretty decent all things considered. In actual fact, some of the stunt work looked genuinely dangerous. At one point some bloke is shot and falls off a roof top into a fire! At another a building explodes and some guy is catapulted out of it. While the scene at the end where the topless mullet-man is dragged along the ground while hanging on to a moving aeroplane looked really quite rough. So, in the movie's defence, the clear lack of health and safety regulations have resulted in some authentic looking action.

If you go beyond the explosions and stunts though then this movie is struggling a bit. The actors have all been heavily and poorly over-dubbed, which admittedly is quite amusing but does make their performances seem seriously pathetic. While the storyline is extremely basic. The camera work is horribly ugly throughout. It certainly is, at the very least, a film with no pretensions. Its clearly been knocked out for very little money indeed. Its not really possible to give this one too much of a recommendation.
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