Review of Mutant Hunt

Mutant Hunt (1987 Video)
Cheesy 80's terminator knock-off.
2 November 2011
Hokay the trailer will have you think that an executive releases mutants into New York, and terrorizes the city turning everybody into zombie. The cops are defenseless, the first responders can't do anything, accept for this Black –Water Security Agent doing a favor for a friend. I forgot this movie was done before 911, before 28days later it was done influenced by "TERMINATOR". So a bunch of Douche-bags wearing ray-bans, cover-alls, and sporting crew cuts plod around the city. But instead of terrorizing the citizens (ooohhh fun), they're self –aware and hunt the mercenaries out to attack them. The only thing more stiff, plodding, slow and un-coordinated than the Mutants (Cyborg's) are the mercs. For the 80's it was probably awesome but for 2011 it's laughable.
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