Restitution (I) (2011)
Negative One
14 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Reasons to not waste one's time: (1.) This Kiosk rental rating is less than one because it's not worth the dollar it cost to rent. (2.) IMDb rating was 2.3 out of 10. (3.) Most of the actors, writer and director have to their filmography credits either movies no one's ever heard of or lots of TV videos and shorts you've never heard of. (4.) First 20 minutes consisted of some guy driving around and then getting out to then walk around with a cheap camera and take pictures. That's it. (5.) The editing and cinematography were so bad I thought a high school student was practicing on creating a collage for art class. Poor editing, very choppy, no flow and when it did have flow it would barely beat out molasses flowing across a winter Canadian prairie. (6.) Acting, was this artificial, e.g. stare at the person in front of you and read a line then camera pans to that person who reads their line, and back and forth ad nauseam. You would have sworn their was a teleprompter off screen. Also seeing that Tom Arnold was a main character, poor soul, didn't help. (7.) Most parts of the story were just not believable: e.g. recently dug grave doesn't have grass above it that looks like the decades old surrounding grass; some guy is tossed into the ocean feet and hands bound with chains, head in a hood while his captors are above him in a boat yet he still manages to escape from them. Must be those fish gills we didn't see. Then for revenge he spends a year getting in shape, practicing martial arts and pistol range shooting to come back and kill dozen or so highly trained killers. Unfortunately he looked like the same skinny, beer belly non- athletic person that he was before the training. The worst part was seeing an equally middle aged out of shape Tom Arnold act like a Marine sharp shooter and nail three bad kills perfectly from a mile away. For his most remarkable shot he, for some unexplained reason, is in a bumpy rent-a-copter with a very shaky rifle. Just laughable. (8.) Overloaded with uncreative stereotypes such as inept police; crooked police; business that does some drug dealing on the side which supports the mansion of the son who wants to take over dad's business; cute blond girlfriend who works in the local pub; a few innocent people die as appetizers.
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