Review of New Kids Nitro

Some good and some bad jokes without the story
18 December 2011
Assuming you have seen the first movie (New Kids Turbo) and laughed at the characters (there apparently are people who associate themselves with the characters), this new movie will be a lot more of the same. People are still getting hit by cars, blown up and shot for no reason (and they poke fun of this on a meta level). However, this time 'round you expect these things to happen, especially when they happen 4 times in a row in this movie as well.

This doesn't mean you won't laugh a good dozen times during the movie, there are still some very good (some horribly cruel) jokes in this movie.

What this movie is lacking though, relative to the first, is any form of continuous story. Where the first had a theme throughout the movie, taking a stand against the government, in this movie nothing much happens for the first half hour, they explore a bit of story this way, drop it, then wander off that way. Only at a good two thirds into the movie picks up a proper story and at the end you'll have forgotten what happened before the last bit.

So yes, if you liked the first movie, this movie will be enjoyable as well, though it's best left for a pizza and beer on the couch night with a bunch of friends.
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