Paranormal Witness (2011–2016)
Finally a show REALLY scares me.
23 August 2012
Finally a show scares me. Nothing better than intently listening to a good ghost story. I loved that since I was a little kid. After searching and searching through lame EVP sessions and TOTALLY staged reality show nonsense...I found this gem Paranormal Witness. I standing up on the back of your neck type stuff. I LOVE watching personal accounts of the unexplained...but the special effects and recreations are some new and innovative and scary images well worth checking out. 3 of the 10 episodes I have watched were kind of lame. But seriously...7 of 10 episodes got me SPOOKED which NEVER happens to me. You will see what I mean on June 5th, 2013 as the new season begins. I seriously have not been scared watching something since I watched Halloween in the movie theater long, long ago. Thanks Sy Fy for saying YES to this project. It is so well done...the actors always look so much like the real people too and that is amazing casting...but the effects are fantastic. Kudos to the crew...way to find good stories and get as many witnesses as possible. The Travis Walton episode was better than the movie...'Fire in the Sky'. It was amazing. The movie theater in Utah also scared the hell out of me.
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