Surface (2005–2006)
Great concept, woeful acting
16 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Lake Bell is quite possibly one of the worst actresses I have ever had to endure. The personal insults about her looks are uncalled for, probably mostly just vitriolic women, but wow she seems annoying. It's like watching a nativity play in a nut house.

If I had ever seen porn, which obviously I would never have done as a 30 something single man, I would expect better acting from the lady that 'comes to fix your pipes'.

I must like the show to be six episodes in but I'm becoming increasingly annoyed by some of the woeful acting on display. It's not like it is a tongue cheek, poking fun at itself type of acting, it is just dismal.

The sister of the nerd kid, with the stripper's name, is pretty. Pretty disappointing in her range. Apparently she is quite well known now. I'm glad she's stayed off my radar. Their mum is also not the greatest.

The best actors in this decent show are the two boys who do well with some not quite up to par CGI.

The insurance man is OK, considering what he has to work with and his wife seems like a realistic character so far, so I must give credit to her.

The scientists and feds are all pretty standard and uninspiring.

I love the story so far though and I will persist. I just feel that whoever had the concept must be sorely disappointed by the execution of their vision.

Decent family friendly show with an interesting story. Just prepare yourself for some amateur hour acting.
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