Great zingers!
26 September 2012
Whether or not we're talking about a zombie flick, whether or not it has a high budget or no budget, "My Dead Girlfriend" has some priceless zingers that'll have you laughing for a long time after the movie is over. Don't expect a madcap comedy like "Scary Movie", but the humor is more along the lines of Seinfeld or Friends... but with flesh eating zombies.

Billed as a horror comedy, this movie puts more emphasis on comedy. There aren't a lot of special effects and surprisingly little gore. Instead, there's some great comedy dialogue and bizarro characters like "the super" who keeps showing up to fix the plumbing at the worst times, "the beer buddy" who insists he's an independent 40-year old while his mom yells at him to take out the trash, "the beer buddy's girlfriend" who is more or less the voice of reason to the point that she's calmly drinking brewskis while zombies are running around eating people's necks, and of course there's our hero, the clueless dolt who, upon accidentally running over someone, instead of--I dunno--calling an ambulance he calls upon the powers of demons to fix everything.

The whole movie is very tongue-in-cheek and pokes fun at every horror movie cliché, right down to the anti-climactic line "this is generally when a cat jumps out". Also mocked are fake blood splattering scenes and a particularly voluminous vomit scene that must've required 10 gallons of pea soup, the chunky kind.

This movie has so many quotable lines such as "Jesus! Who the hell throws an axe??" "Sorry, I got caught up in the moment." And "You're buying the milk... no you're buying the cow... You've got the milk you don't need a cow... uh.. Exactly!" And one of my faves, "I knew it, she's a stripper!"

Tons more, but you really have to see the movie to get em. Like I was saying, imagine a sitcom with zombies and this is pretty much it. For some reason the Canadian accents make it even more hilarious. I don't know if director Brett Kelly and his troupe will ever be known as masters of the macabre, but they've got comedy gold.
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