Review of Mental

Mental (2012)
Far superior than the nay sayers may let you believe!
4 October 2012
Went to see this Aussie film from P.J. Hogan today. I have to say I am actually quite flabbergasted that this film has received so many negative reviews? The film follows the exploits of a group of girls, who live with their dysfunctional and mentally disturbed Mother (Gibney), and their non-existent politician father (LaPaglia).

After their mother suffers a breakdown and is sent on "holidays", their father decides to hire Shaz (Toni Collette), to look after the kids while he pursues his political career. She in turn teaches them that life is not all so bad.

People have said this film is essentially a rip-off of P.J. Hogan's breakthrough film Muriel's Wedding. I have not seen Muriel's Wedding in a number of years, and really cannot comment on the comparisons, only my opinion of this film.... And I personally loved it! The film had memorable characters, quirky situations, hilarious scenes, and some truly fantastic acting from all the cast. The stand out for me would have to have been Rebecca Gibney as the crazy mother. Plus Liev Schreiber, totally unrecognizable as a warped Steve Irwin style shark hunter.

While some people may find the humour too crude, or the story too similar to Muriel's Wedding. Everyone else that likes a good Aussie comedy should lap this up! Also if you're from Murwillumbah, and/or surrounding areas, you'll be treated to some familiar sights! :)
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