First Winter (2012)
Hipster fever dream (sex, drugs and yoga)
30 April 2012
More cinematic hipster fever dream than apocalyptic thriller, First Winter (which premiered at Tribeca Film Festival) concerns a group of young city dwellers who retreat to an isolated country house to do (lots of) drugs, practice yoga, and have (lots of) sex. They suddenly find themselves without power after a humongous cloud black smoke appears on the horizon.

We take the film's word that getting back into town would be impossible (as it spends little time convincing us) and the characters food supply slowly disappears.

Current trends concern themselves predominately with "natural" and "sustainable" lifestyles. This film thrusts it's characters into a situation where they have to use these beliefs to survive. It doesn't shy from exposing the hypocrisy and shallowness of it's characters, either.

The film is beautifully shot, and contains some particularly captivating tracking shots and a mostly diegetic soundtrack. It also takes some unexpected plot turns, has some nice bits of humor, and contains an attractive mix of non-actors and trained.
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