Review of Hamesima X

Hamesima X (2010)
Reviews for Hamesima X
13 May 2012
"I finally saw HAMESIMA X last night and I was really impressed with the movie - with the courageous way of tackling such a tricky and difficult subject I'm thrilled to have it in our Program." Georges N. Chamchoum - Artistic & Program Director of The Monaco Film Festival

"I just finished watching your film and wanted to write to you myself to tell you how strangely compelling it was. I do not say "strangely" in a disrespectful way, but rather to state how unique your film was to me in ways difficult to describe. I've viewed over a thousand movies for the festival in the past six years, and your film definitely had an impact on me." Rod Beaudoin - Co-Executive Producer/Director Beloit International Film Festival

"Superbly produced trailer, looks like a major winner... " Tod Hunter - WorldFest Houston

"Bravo ! An inspiring, dramatic presentation of deep secrets from the Zohar, in a dramatic, exciting way" Jim long
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