Review of Greek

Greek (2007–2011)
Watched all 74 Episodes!!!!!!!
3 June 2012
I was surprised to enjoy this show as much as I have. I remember watching an episode once about 4 years ago and thought it was pretty good but never caught another episode and then I stumbled upon it 2 months ago on Netflix and decided to see it all the way through.

Greek is not just good writing for an ABC FAMILY show, it is actually good writing for any show. The characters are believable, the actors playing the characters work, and the stories are involving. Sure, it's not LOST or Grey's Anatomy, and the situations are much smaller, and like sitcoms of yesterday, there is a lesson to be learned at the end of every episode though the show plays more like a serial.

What surprised me most about this show though is how well the characters themselves were written and how well they interacted with each other. The audience can truly feel like their growing up with the college kids of CRU.

And this is not another high school/college drama of hook-ups and out of control relationships. The relationships in this show feel much more real. And there is a rooting interest for these relationships and friendships to move forward.

The Series Finale does leave you wanting to know more of what happens after college for these kids and sure would hope ABC FAMILY is working on a reunion movie of sort because it would be nice the future of these kids.

All said, this is a show I would recommend. I'm 32 yet I enjoyed this series and I think if you give it a try, you might get hooked as well.
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