Review of Breathe In

Breathe In (2013)
A Breath of Fresh Air
21 January 2013
No mere love story, "Breathe In" is a quietly powerful film about two people who are eloquently and achingly swept up in a deep "connection" that defies description. To label this honest and beautiful film a "family drama" does it an injustice, but if that's what it is, then "Breathe In" is the best family drama I have ever seen. Felicity Jones as Sophie, the visitor, is captivating -- insightful, kind, and vaguely troubled. Sophie also happens to be a piano prodigy, perhaps an allusion to being a sort of "prodigal daughter." The film's atmosphere is masterful,an outstanding collaboration of cinematography, production design, and music. Breathe In maintains tension without ever becoming shrill,oppressive, or melodramatic, a balance that has been difficult to strike in so many of the "family dramas" that have come before it.
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