18 Year Old Virgin for me is not one of The Asylum's(notorious for their movies being awful, but there's something about their awfulness that intrigues me into seeing if anything of theirs is tolerable) worst, though a lot of the commentators here probably will disagree. Unlike their bottom-of-the-barrel stuff, 18 Year Old Virgin is one of their better-looking movies, the way it is shot is not too slipshod and the house looks great. However, 18 Year Old Virgin is also one of those movies where effort is made into making it look good but at the same time it forgets about bringing anything funny, original or as much as a story. I will say before moving onto what was so bad that the soundtrack is not too bad, it wasn't inappropriate and it sounded nice, it was just that it was also on the generic side and it was one of those soundtracks that I'm not going to remember in the long run. Moving on to the many things that was wrong with 18 Year Old Virgin, I found absolutely nothing funny about it. I like comedy just as much as the next person, but the humour here was crude and tasteless to the extent that I felt uncomfortable and that my intelligence had been insulted afterwards. And before anybody defending this movie gets condescending saying I have no sense of humour, I do love comedy and I knew what sort of comedy to expect having heard the kind before many times, it just isn't my kind of humour and I imagine that's true of others as well so you do have to accept that while you may find it funny others are not going to. 18 Year Old Virgin also has nothing original about it, everything seems heavily borrowed from other movies that have done the humour to much funnier and less predictable effect. As for the story, what was it again? It just jumps around with no order or sense of structure, and seems just an excuse to string along many scenes of sex and nudity, which just seemed to be there for the sake of it. Everything just gets thrown at you at such a pace that you aren't given time to breathe or relax, and each scene is more irrelevant than the one before it. The characters are just obnoxious stereotypes and seem to be just there with seemingly no reason and not adding anything to what little there is of the story. The acting indicates a lot of inexperience with everybody, especially the lead, looking lost and going through the motions. There is little chemistry and personality, and they look awkward as well. All in all, doesn't look too bad but everything else just got lost in translation. 2/10 Bethany Cox