The Crystal Maze (1990–2020)
Crystal Maze - The Birth of Entertainment
11 December 2012
I grew up watching this show in the 90s. I don't quite remember the time it used to be aired on TV but I am sure it was some time in the evening after school. Richard O'Brien, being a true entertainer would keep me engaged for the entire hour. What's more. My mom used to love the show too and watch it with me whenever possible.

What an idea for a game show! Different games with versatile genres like Mystery, Physical, Mental, etc., spanned 2-3 mins across different Zones : Aztec, Medieval, Industrial, and Futuristic (chronologically arranged, now i get it) , collecting crystals for obtaining 5 seconds in the beautiful Crystal Dome. I used to admire the entire set of The Crystal maze. What a well-crafted effort the whole crew of the show had put up there. A true team-effort. Kudos to the designers, the cast and crew and the entire production unit for making my childhood exciting! How much I have wanted to praise you guys. I guess IMDb has to be the right platform!!

Why I liked the show is also for the basic scientific approach it took. Perfectly balanced levels of difficulty, Perfect level of details in each zone, for example - the sun-dials in the Medieval zone as opposed to digital watches in the Futuristic Zone, Bubbling acids in the Industrial Zone, etc. There was no room for error! Finally when you enter the maze, "Will ya start the fans please".. and soon we see contestants convert their hard-earned time into glory.

Throughout the entire show, what keeps the adrenalin pumping is the Theme tune of The Crystal maze entitled Force Field composed by Zack Lawrence. I can never forget that track in my lifetime. I always thought it brought a Star Wars kind of feeling with it. At that time, this track was at another level.

All in all, when I look back at the show from the Futuristic Zone of 2012, I am driven into nostalgia and I must say that I was and will continue to be a true fan of this wonderful show.

It was truly the birth of quality entertainment!
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