Review of My Pal Wolf

My Pal Wolf (1944)
Cute and charming
16 December 2012
Caught this back in the 1970s. A local TV station showed it uncut and with NO commercial interruptions (which never happened back then). I saw it and loved it! Never forgot it.

It's about a little girl whose parents have no time for her and has a cruel nanny. Near the house is a training center for dogs to use in the war. One escapes, meets the little girl and they immediately become friends. She never wants him to go...but he is needed by the military and they track him down. What will happen? Don't worry--it has happy endings all around:) Sure it's predictable and highly illogical but it works! The acting is good, the dog is cute and the ending will have everybody going "awwwwwwww" with a smile:) Cute little movie. PERFECT for kids.
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