The Sword Stained With Royal Blood is one of many Wuxia films that were getting pumped out like crazy in Hong Kong in the early 90's . Most of these martial arts/fantasy films are based on Chinese novels and the story lines are often as insane as the action on screen. The Sword Stained With Royal Blood indeed has both . It does have some flaws ( poor editing , wires can be seen in some scenes and the storyline is sporadic with sub plots galore), but more than makes up for it with an awesome cast and great, bloody flying swordsman action .With a cast of Yuen Biao as constable and lead character , Elvis Tsui as villain and Danny Lee to steal the show as superswordsman Golden Snake Man , you know you will have a memorable cinematic experience. Golden Snake Man and friends definitely deliver and The Sword Stained With Royal Blood is a solid entry to the swordsman genre . I definitely dig it.