An okay watch for Satyajit fans...otherwise very average
3 January 2013
Unlike the title details of the page the movie contains 3 stories related to ghosts and 'Tarini khuro' is telling those stories to a bunch of kids... I had a mixed experience after watching the movie...the first story was very average.. not scary though it is made to scare you... little overacting by Dijen babu spoils the fun, even the direction is poor.....2nd story is better but still not scary enough.. better acting from the cast though....but the third and last story is the one that everyone would enjoy the most... it's a ghost story but not a story to scare you...it's a funny story with very good acting by Saswata and paran... and this is the part when you feel you got something out of the movie which was expected to be a good one.. still a good watch for people who love great Satyajit Roy's stories to be told through movies (though the movie contains a story by Sharadindu Bondopadhyay as well)... a 5 from me... gave 6 just because the movie has connection with Satyajit Roy!!
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