A must-see on it's won, but so, so much more!
18 January 2013
Loved the color and feel of the entire piece! From the opulence down to the decadence it fills the film canvas with a rainbow array of what a life of privilege in the South might be like. And, Although a short (under 40 minutes), I can absolutely see this as as a TV series or a feature film with sequels. The range of characters in the upscale, totally dysfunctional Southern household would easily supply 5 seasons worth of stories and beyond. From drug addicted, carousing Michael, who is a serial "marryer" to his money-hungry ex-wife, Kelly, all the way to Michael's Nanny, Annie Mae who rules the roost, it is a chaotic glimpse of how the other half might live. A bit of a Southern Upstairs/Downstairs with a modern twist it could easily entertain and pique the curiosity of the viewing public. Wish I had the money to invest in producing this for one of the cable networks as the risqué tone and antics probably wouldn't make it on network television!
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