Classic Russian animation
19 August 2013
The 1967 Disney film The Jungle Book will always be a childhood and personal favourite, it is an enormous amount of fun with terrific songs and great characters. Adaptation-wise though, this Russian animation is far more faithful to Rudyard Kipling's book and stands on its own feet wonderfully. The animation is wonderfully detailed and expansive, the colours are not as rich but they're still appealing and never ugly. The music fits very well and while atonal music has more appreciation than love with me it is very interesting and haunting rhythmically and melodically. The dialogue is thoughtful and very well-written, and the story is likewise always engaging, it has its heart and charm but any conflict is also done very convincingly. The voice acting is excellent, especially for Shere Kahn, the suave menace is done perfectly. It is indeed with the characterisation where Adventures of Mowgli(or Maugli) really shines, Bagheera steals the show though those who are familiar with and love the story will really appreciate how close in detail and spirit the characterisation is for all the characters, especially with Baloo. In conclusion, a classic Russian animation, if you love the book or Russian animation in general(both even as well) you'll find much to love with it. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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