fiction trumps nonfiction
2 September 2013
I loathe this person..Gloria Allred and her daughter Lisa Bloom..they are part of the destruction of honorable news media and law. Allred "pretending" to be a judge............this is part of the dumbing down syndrome of the united states...go away 4ever..these people are slanderous, aggressive, liars and apparently bitter. I also read that she taught school in the African American neighborhood where I once lived..NOT TRUE...the internet is full of lies and liars and everything must be checked and rechecked before any substance is given to what I read and definitely know.I am a schoolteacher; this is bothersome, offensive and corrupts the mentality of young people who are already lacking in basic literacy. What is the point of 10 lines when it is easy to address this in 2 words...go away.
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