A slow burn with a fuse at the end
13 September 2013
If you like smoldering, drama's this is your show. Its gripping, full of suspense, and the characters are gonna grow on you, as is the story line. I've seen negative remarks about this show. These types are usually the ones with the attention span of a gnat. There are a lot of shows on now days that don't blow you away the first episode, but always leave you wanting more. This is one of those shows, Breaking Bad is a prime example of that. Look how slow that show started and where it is now. I'm not saying this show is that good, but we will need a new show after the next few weeks, because BB is gonna be over. This show has the potential to be that fill in, at least it does for me..My advice is watch it and get into it..I am glad I did...Enjoy
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