A smart, fun homage to 80's Slashers!
1 November 2013
Let me just state that I am an avid slasher fan. I grew up watching the classic 80's slashers and have pined to find more movies that could fill that void. In comes.

Murder University filled that void and then some!

There is a clean "slasher" set up with a cool back story and all, enough cool characters to give us great death scenes (with some of the best independent gore effects I've seen in a while) and very rewarding ending. It's also a really fun movie.

Along with the great scare factor, the team does a great job of balancing in bits of humor so you're always entertained. You'll go from one extreme to the other and it's both hysterical and terrifying.

For those of you who love horror movies Murder University is definitely one you should put high on your list; Go take a stab at it.
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