I really love Life With Boys. It is really a gem. It is the first show after so many years that gives people lessons about life. To me, this is what Girl Meets World would be like and I really think this show has already filled that role of showing life through a girl's point of view. Let me just say first I love watching shows old and new. It doesn't matter to me for sitcoms if they're going to be taking the roles of a parent or if they will simply be there to make you laugh. But I love that Life With Boys fills the role I already mentioned. I love how Allie, a popular girl, isn't the main character of the show as sometimes it can be that way in tween/teen sitcoms. But she and Tess are such sweet friends. It's adorable. Tess is a good character too! I love the theme song. As of right now it's in my head! I love the family. There's not much for me to say but you can see that they're a good family. As the show goes on it gets better and better. It really does! Right in their first season, they got really serious when Sam feels pressured to smoke. I also love how in the Valentine's Day episode, they promote girls that don't need a guy to make their Valentine's Day special. I don't have much more to add since the show is still going but I am just so happy that YTV made such a good show and now it's airing on Teen Nick in America! Life With Boys and Reba, I found are shows that prove two things. One, that shows after the 90's don't suck just because there isn't millions of sitcoms preaching. And two, they are truly two good gems of a show, in terms of a sitcom that teaches you things as how parents should. Life With Boys is perfect. It's a great Canadian show from the channel YTV, a special show and therefore a rare gem in today's world because the writers have decided to show us life from a girl's point of view while in the form of a sitcom. A perfect ten!